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generateDiamondImages(int, int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
Generates the diamond shaped images used in the Wang tile synthesis.
generateDiamondImageSet(int, int, Vector<Rectangle>) - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
Helper method to generate the diamond images.
generatedTexture - Variable in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
The synthesized image.
generatedTextureIW - Variable in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
A window to show the synthesized image.
generateTexture(Image, int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
generateTexture(Image, int, int) - Method in interface texturesynthesis.TextureSynthesizer
Synthesizes an image of given size from a sample image.
generateTileSet(int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
Generates a tile set.
generateWangTileImages(WangTileSet) - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
Generates Wang tile images from the previously generated diamond images.
generateWangTiling(WangTileSet) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
Fills this Wang tiling with tiles from the given set.
get(int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
Gets the pixel at x, y.
get(int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
Returns the tile at the specified position in this tile set.
getBufferedImage() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
Returns this image as a BufferedImage.
getDescription() - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
getDescription() - Method in interface texturesynthesis.TextureSynthesizer
Returns a description about this texture synthesizer.
getDescription() - Method in class texturesynthesis.util.FileExtensionFilter
getEastColor() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Returns the color of the east edge.
getHeight() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
Gets the height of this image.
getHorizontalColoring() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
Gets the number of colors in the horizontal direction.
getHorizontalColors() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
Returns the number of requested horizontal colors.
getMatchingTileFromSet(int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
Returns a tile that fits to a position x, y in this tiling.
getMaximumNumberOfTiles() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
Returns the maximum number of tiles this kind of set can contain.
getName() - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
getName() - Method in interface texturesynthesis.TextureSynthesizer
Returns the name of this texture synthesizer.
getNorthColor() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Returns the color of the north edge.
getNumHorizontalColors() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Gets the number of the colors in the horizontal coloring.
getNumHorizontalTiles() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
Returns the number of tiles in the horizontal direction.
getNumVerticalColors() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Gets the number of the colors in the vertical coloring.
getNumVerticalTiles() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
Returns the number of tiles in the vertical direction.
getPart(Rectangle) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
Returns a sub-image of this image as a new EditableImage.
getPlugin(String) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Gets a plugin with the given name.
getPlugins() - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Searches the available synthesizer plugins and places an instance of each plugin to a Hashtable.
getSettingsDialog() - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
getSettingsDialog() - Method in interface texturesynthesis.TextureSynthesizer
Returns a settings component for this texture synthesizer.
getSouthColor() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Returns the color of the south edge.
getStructureHSize() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
Returns the texture structure size in pixels in the horizontal direction.
getStructureVSize() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
Returns the texture structure size in pixels in the vertical direction.
getTileAt(int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
Returns the Wang tile at position x,y
getTileIndexAt(int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
Returns the Wang tile index at position x,y
getTileSize() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
Returns the set tile size in pixels.
getVerticalColoring() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
Gets the number of colors in the vertical direction.
getVerticalColors() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
Returns the number of requested vertical colors.
getWestColor() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Returns the color of the west edge.
getWidth() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
Gets the width of this image.
gifFileFilter - Variable in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
gluePatches(EditableImage, int, int, Rectangle, Rectangle, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
Copies parts from two source images to the target image.

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