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WangTile - Class in texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles
This class represents a Wang tile.
WangTile(int, int) - Constructor for class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Constructs a new Wang tile skeleton.
wangTileImages - Variable in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
Space for the Wang tile images.
WangTileSet - Class in texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles
This class represents a collection of Wang tiles.
WangTileSet(int, int) - Constructor for class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
Constructs a Wang tile set that contains tiles with the given coloring limits.
WangTileSettings - Class in texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer
A class to show appropriate settings for the Wang Tile texture synthesis plugin.
WangTileSettings() - Constructor for class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
The constructor.
wangTileSize - Variable in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
The space in pixels a Wang tile represents.
WangTileSynthesizer - Class in texturesynthesis.synthesizer
The Wang Tile texture synthesis plugin.
WangTileSynthesizer() - Constructor for class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
The constructor.
wangTiling - Variable in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
The Wang tiling that generates the image.
WangTiling - Class in texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles
This class represents a Wang tiling of a plane.
WangTiling(int, int) - Constructor for class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
Constructs a wang tiling instance of a given size.
westColor - Variable in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
The color of the west edge.
width - Variable in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
The width of this image.
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Does nothing.
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Does nothing.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Hides (but doesn't destroy) the image windows if they are closed.
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Does nothing.
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Does nothing.
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Does nothing.
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Does nothing.

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