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canFillPlane() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
Checks if this tile set can fill a plane.
changeImage(Image) - Method in class texturesynthesis.util.ImageWindow
Changes the image in this image window.
combinedFilter - Variable in class texturesynthesis.util.FileExtensionFilter
A place holder for other filters this filter might use.
construct(Image) - Method in class texturesynthesis.util.ImageWindow
Constructs this image window.
constructImage(WangTiling, int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
Constructs the actual image from the generated Wang tiles according to the Wang tiling.
copyFromImage(EditableImage, int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
Copies the whole source image to this image to position x, y.
createGui() - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Generates the user interface.
createGui() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
Creates the GUI.
createMenuBar() - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Generates the menu bar to the main application window.
createSourceImage(Image) - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
Creates a EditableImage of the source image.

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