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saveGeneratedImage() - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Asks the user to select a file name and saves the synthesized image with this name.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception texturesynthesis.TextureSynthesizerException
The serial version uid of this class.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class texturesynthesis.util.ImagePreview
The serial version uid of this class.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class texturesynthesis.util.ImageWindow
The serial version uid of this class.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
The serial version uid of this class.
set(int, int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
Sets the pixel at x, y to value
set(int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
Copies a rectangular area of pixels from the array to this image.
set(EditableImage, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.EditableImage
Copies pixels from another image.
setDescription(String) - Method in class texturesynthesis.util.FileExtensionFilter
Sets the description of this filter.
setEastColor(int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Sets the east edge color of this tile.
setNorthColor(int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Sets the north edge color of this tile.
setNumHorizontalColors(int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Sets the number of the colors in the horizontal coloring.
setNumVerticalColors(int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Sets the number of the colors in the vertical coloring.
setSourceImageVisibility(boolean) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Shows or hides the window showing the source image.
setSouthColor(int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Sets the south edge color of this tile.
setSynthesizedImageVisibility(boolean) - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Shows or hides the window showing the synthesized image.
setTileAt(int, int, int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
Sets a Wang tile index at position x,y.
settings - Variable in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
The settings panel.
settingsPanel - Variable in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Algorithm specific settings.
setWangTileSize(int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
Sets the size of the Wang tiles in pixels.
setWestColor(int) - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Sets the west edge color of this tile.
showAboutDialog() - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Shows the about dialog that tells about this program.
size() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
Returns the number of tiles in this tile set.
sourceImage - Variable in class texturesynthesis.synthesizer.WangTileSynthesizer
Source image pixels in an array.
sourceImageIW - Variable in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
A window to show the source image.
sourceImageTextField - Variable in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Source image file name.
southColor - Variable in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
The color of the south edge.
startButton - Variable in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Texture generation start button.
startPlugin() - Method in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Starts a texture synthesis plugin.
stringIsInExtensions(String) - Method in class texturesynthesis.util.FileExtensionFilter
Checks if the given string is already in the set of extensions.
structuralTextureCheckBox - Variable in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
Widget to toggle structural texture selection.
synthesizerPlugins - Variable in class texturesynthesis.JTexSynth
Synthesizer plugins.

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