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texturesynthesis - package texturesynthesis
texturesynthesis.synthesizer - package texturesynthesis.synthesizer
texturesynthesis.util - package texturesynthesis.util
texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer - package texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer
texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles - package texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles
TextureSynthesizer - Interface in texturesynthesis
This interface describes texture synthesizing capabilities.
TextureSynthesizerException - Exception in texturesynthesis
A wrapper class for texture synthesis related exceptions.
TextureSynthesizerException(String) - Constructor for exception texturesynthesis.TextureSynthesizerException
Creates a new exception with a message.
thumbnail - Variable in class texturesynthesis.util.ImagePreview
The current thumbnail.
tiles - Variable in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
The indexes to the tiles.
tileSet - Variable in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
Space for the tiles.
tileSet - Variable in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
The tile set that is used for this tiling.
tileSizeSpinner - Variable in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.WangTileSettings
Widget to set the Wang tile size in pixels.
toString() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTile
Returns a string representation of this tile.
toString() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTileSet
A string representation of this tile set.
toString() - Method in class texturesynthesis.wangtilesynthesizer.wangtiles.WangTiling
A string representation of this Wang tiling.

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