
Samples: aqua

Source image (128x128):
Source image: aqua

Synthesized image:
Synthesized image: aqua

Information and settings:
JTexSynth version: 0.2.1
Synthesized image size: 512x512
Synthesis plugin: Wang Tile plugin
Plugin settings: Tile size: 72
Horizontal colors: 2
Vertical colors: 2
Tile quality: best
Structural texture: disabled

Synthesized image:
Synthesized image: aqua

Information and settings:
JTexSynth version: 0.2.1
Synthesized image size: 512x512
Synthesis plugin: Wang Tile plugin
Plugin settings: Tile size: 72
Horizontal colors: 3
Vertical colors: 3
Tile quality: best
Structural texture: disabled

Synthesized image:
Synthesized image: aqua

Information and settings:
JTexSynth version: 0.2.1
Synthesized image size: 512x512
Synthesis plugin: Wang Tile plugin
Plugin settings: Tile size: 72
Horizontal colors: 4
Vertical colors: 4
Tile quality: best
Structural texture: disabled
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