Current developers and responsibilities
- Aki Koskinen: project management, code, web pages (i.e. all).
Development documentation
The programming language is Java (J2SE 1.5 from version 0.3.0 onwards). No external libraries are used. The software should run on any platform that supports Java. The user interface is written using Swing components.
The development of JTexSynth advances in two paths: the main program and the plug-ins. The development of these components can be divided because the interface between the two is well defined.
Javadocs for JTexSynth ver. 0.3.0
Planned features
- Offer other saving formats than jpeg
- Offer tweaking the save parameters for the image files
- Prompt when overwriting a file when saving an image
- Integrated help
- Prompt is unsaved files exist when quiting
A plugin is simply a class that implements the interface texturesynthesis.TextureSynthesizer and is placed in the package texturesynthesis.synthesizer. The main program detects these classes at startup so no additional steps are required.
Current plugins include:
Planned features for Wang Tile plugin
- Better calculation of the goodness of tiles. Also more user definable options for this (there are so many different kind of textures that there is no one solution that works always). This feature was removed from the plugin.
- Option to select samples from the source texture with defined spacing (tile size). Should result in better textures with images with some structure. (implemented in 0.2.0)
- User selectable coloring limits
- Different for horizontal and vertical edges (implemented in 0.2.0)
- Rectangular tiles (instead of squares)
- Option to generate seamless textures